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OSM Vegan

by dimqua

created at 7/6/2022 - modified at 7/6/2022

This map allows you to find vegan-friendly restaurants. It uses data from OpenStreetMap.

Vegan Offers completely plant-based food. No animal ingredients are used.

Vegetarian Offers almost exclusively vegetarian products (no fish or meat).

Veg-Options Offers vegan options, but has non-vegetarian products (such as meat or fish) on the menu.

Unknown Offers vegan food, but PROBABLY has animal products on the menu.

User content credits

Map user content has been published under licence ODbl

Map background credits

OpenStreetMap map data © OpenStreetMap contributors under ODbL

Powered by Leaflet and Django, glued by uMap project (version 2.9.3).

OSM Vegan

by dimqua